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A woman with a baby in her arms was chased by bandits. Wo Laiye came to rescue her. Before the woman died, she entrusted the baby to Wo Laiye's care and asked Wo Laiye to help look for the baby's biological father. Wo Laiye also abandoned the baby once, but his conscience couldn't bear it, so he finally found the baby back. Then the baby was sick and Wo Laiye had no money. Wo Laiye was at a loss, so he had no choice but to walk into a casino. In the gambling, Wo Laiye met Sima Junren, a man with integrity and superb martial arts skills. After being imprisoned due to a casino fight, Wo Laiye accidentally found clues of the biological father of the baby. After going through a lot of dangers, Wo Laiye finally returned the baby to his biological father. Unexpectedly, Wo Laiye was rejected and he was even involved in a shocking secret of the Sacrificial Spirits Party... Destiny connected Wo Laiye to the orphan and they were bound to each other. How will it end? ...


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